Jan-Lukas Else

Thoughts of an IT expert

Tags: Docker

Published on in 💬 Micro

Today I learned that there is a new version 2 of Docker Compose. Docker Compose is now no longer a Python app, but a CLI plugin for Docker written in Go. And there is a Compose specification.


Building Docker images in Drone CI using Docker-in-Docker

Published on in 👨‍💻 Dev

This evening I tried to improve the build process of GoBlog. GoBlog gets built using Drone CI and Docker. The problem was that two image variants are to be built, one based on the other, and the whole thing always took quite a long time.


Configure Google’s caching Docker Hub mirror

Published on in 👨‍💻 Dev

Today I learned that it is possible to use a caching proxy for the Docker Daemon.


Published on in 💬 Micro

I wrote my bachelor thesis about Docker and containers, but this project is new to me: kaniko. Its purpose is to enable container image building inside containers.


Backup a dockerized Postgres database with Resticker

Published on in 👨‍💻 Dev

I got the question how to solve the problem that when backing up the storage of a dockerized Postgres database (using Resticker) it could be that the backup is corrupt because the database is still running.


Why I use tools like Docker and Flatpak

Published on in ✍️ Posts

I admit it, I am a big fan of pre-packaged software. Software that I simply set up by typing a single command or just adding a few lines to my existing configuration. I like simplicity and this kind of software makes things a lot easier and lets one focus on getting work done.


Will Microsoft acquire Docker too?

Published on in 💭 Thoughts

After Microsoft (GitHub) acquired npm, I think it’s only a matter of time before Docker (the rest that’s left after selling Docker Enterprise) is also taken over by Microsoft or GitHub.


Published on in 💬 Micro

I just migrated my main server (a VPS at Hetzner) from RancherOS to Alpine. While I considered Alpine already as a Docker host when I setup RancherOS, Alpine wasn’t Docker-host-ready yet. But time passed and now it’s even simpler to setup a Alpine Docker host than it is to install and maintain a RancherOS server. I really love Alpine for it’s simplicity and lightweight size and use it as a base image whenever I need to create a Dockerfile. Let’s see if I’ll get any unpleasant surprises or if everything works as expected. And sorry for any downtime of my blog or website.


Reducing the size of Docker images

Published on in 🔗 Links
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Jérôme Petazzoni published a great article on the Ardan labs blog about reducing the size of Docker images. He compares different ways to package a binary into an image by using different base images and either dynamic or static linking. The conclusion is that although you can get really tiny images with SCRATCH, it is probably not worth it because it is more difficult to debug.


Automatically Backup Docker Volumes using restic

Published on in 👨‍💻 Dev
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One of the most visited pages on my blog is about how to automatically backup Docker volumes. In that post I use the Docker image blacklabelops/volumerize. Unfortunately that image is deprecated since March 2019 and not longer maintained.



Jan-Lukas Else